Command Create Model Laravel and Setting Routes
Laravel Models are put away naturally in the foundation of the root registry. The User demonstrate ships with the Laravel system. Just the User model is required in this application so we won't make any extra models.Keyword search: belajar laravel 8,belajar laravel 7,belajar laravel pdf,laravel application,belajar laravel malasngoding,learning laravel,laravel course,how to learn laravel,belajar laravel pemula,belajar laravel pdf,belajar laravel 8,belajar laravel 7,belajar laravel 6,belajar laravel malasngoding,belajar laravel dasar,belajar laravel crud,belajar laravel dan vue js,seminggu belajar laravel pdf,tutorial belajar laravel,buku belajar laravel,seminggu belajar laravel,cara belajar laravel,belajar crud laravel,belajar framework laravel,belajar vue js laravel,belajar api laravel,belajar php laravel, laravel,belajar middleware laravel,belajar queue laravel,belajar carbon laravel,belajar eloquent laravel
In any case, on the off chance that you need to make more models, you can essentially run the summon beneath like so:
Open up application/Http/routes.php and arrange it like so:
Once a demand hits the/course, it conjures the show strategy for the ListController and renders the returned an incentive in the appreciated view. We'll design the appreciated view later in this post.
php artisan make:model <modelName>
where <modelName>
represents the name of the your Model want to create.Open up application/Http/routes.php and arrange it like so:
| Application Routes
| Here is where you can register all of the routes for an application.
| It's a breeze. Simply tell Laravel the URIs it should respond to
| and give it the controller to call when that URI is requested.
Route::get('/', 'ListController@show');
Once a demand hits the/course, it conjures the show strategy for the ListController and renders the returned an incentive in the appreciated view. We'll design the appreciated view later in this post.