How To Use PHP Implode and Explode is function php for join elements of an array with a string.
PHP implode() function returns a string from elements of an array, the following example.
Output code:
PHP explode() function is used to "Split a string by a specified string into pieces breaks a string into an array".
Output code display with print_r
<?php print_r($result); ?>
PHP implode() function returns a string from elements of an array, the following example.
<h3>Implode Function delimeter comma</h3>
$arr=array ('a','b','c');
echo implode(",",$arr);
Output code:
PHP explode() function is used to "Split a string by a specified string into pieces breaks a string into an array".
<h3>Implode Function delimeter comma</h3>
$arr='a b c';
$result = explode(",",$arr);
Output code display with print_r
<?php print_r($result); ?>